Kelli Miller Therapist

Meet Hollywood’s Biggest Animation Advocates. (They’re Not Who You Think They Are)

From Dan Fogelman to Sian Heder, top personalities in Hollywood argue that movies like ‘Inside Out 2’ and ‘The Wild Robot’ are positively changing the culture.

Outside Magazine

Use This Smart Advice to Avoid Fights When Packing a Car for a Road Trip

Kelli Miller, author of Love Hacks: Simple Solutions to Your Most Common Relationship Issues, suggests using a sliding scale between one and ten to determine who is more emotionally invested.

Psychology Today

What Couples Can Learn From McDonald’s About Communication

A trick of the fast-food trade can help you feel more connected to your partner. One of the most satisfying parts of a relationship is feeling heard. It’s sharing something vulnerable and feeling “seen,” or …

Oprah Magazine Kelli Miller

Do You Recognize These Signs of a One-Sided Relationship?

Some things are better one-sided: An ice cream cone you don’t want to share, your high school diary, and a game of solitaire—for example. But a healthy relationship? That’s a two-sided situation…

Oprah Magazine Kelli Miller

How to Get the Spark Back in Your Relationship!

Falling in love is like having a new toy with lots of secret compartments to discover. It’s exciting and it’s something you’re entirely passionate about. Staying in love… well, that’s a different story. After a while, “‘til death do us part” can seem like a pretty long time to keep the spark alive.

Oprah Magazine Kelli Miller

11 Expert Tips to Help You Get Over Someone.

Healing after a breakup isn’t easy – if it were, millions of songs, paintings and poems wouldn’t even exist. But while the pain of cutting ties with a loved one is universal, fortunately, it’s not eternal…






  • Insurance: While I don’t accept insurance, I can provide you with a “Super Bill” to present to your insurance company for reimbursement.
  • Fees: Flat rate fee for couples, families, and individuals, regardless of number of people in the session.
  • Cancelation: There is a 48 hour cancellation policy.

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Kelli Miller on wikiHow

How to Get Along With a Spouse.

Marriage can sometimes be difficult. Small matters lead to disagreements if your lives get busy with family, jobs, and other obligations. By accepting your spouse, learning effective communication, and making time for one another you can better get along with your partner…

How to Recognize a Manipulative or Controlling Relationship.

Are you losing yourself to an odd, and ultimately destructive, relationship? Do you find your old friends falling away, while family members remark on how you don’t seem like yourself?

How to Regain Trust in Someone.

Rebuilding trust after a betrayal is one of the greatest challenges a relationship can face. When we trust someone, we’re not afraid to be goofy and quirky, and we freely share our hopes and our fears.

How to Confront a Cheating Husband.

There is little doubt that being cheated on by your husband is one of the most painful of experiences you could be put through…

Kelli Miller Couples Therapist Los Angeles
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